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Die So Fluid

Die So Fluid Tour Dates and Upcoming Concerts

Welcome to the official artist page for Die So Fluid – your premier destination for the latest concert tickets, tour announcements, and exclusive shows near you. Dive into the music, explore the artist’s reviews and photos, and never miss another concert moment. Stay updated, stay connected, and be the first to grab tickets for an unforgettable musical experience.
On tour Yes
Followers 6,206
Category Gothic, Alternative Metal, Alternative Rock, Metal, Punk, Rock
The Urban Lounge
Salt Lake City
The Starlet Room
The Chapel
San Francisco
The Echo
Los Angeles
About Die So Fluid
What does a band sound like who in the same month they are the darlings of the Wave Gotik Treffen festival, they feature high up in the HMV metal chart and the Amazon post grunge chart, they are play listed and 'A' listed on American college radio, they litter the front cover of every alt rock magazine in Germany and they tour Europe with industrial/metal stalwarts Prong? Neither covering all bases nor falling between two stools, Die So Fluid rip out and display the raw soul that is at the common core of all these musical styles. Put simply - they rock. And in 2010 they will release probably the greatest rock record since Nirvana's Nevermind. Does this sound like bullshit? Well I'm writing in a language I thought journalists could understand. Conversely I'm also telling the truth. 'The World Is Too Big For One Lifetime' , Die So Fluid's third studio Album is their first recorded in a traditional album session manner and consequently represents a big step forward in sound and performance. More than on previous albums the songs' themes are drawn under the title's umbrella whilst a perfect storm of genre defying rawk 'n' roll batters the canopy. The breadth goes from torch song 'Themis' to blowtorch song 'How Vampires kiss'. And the hooks are swifter than ever as in the single Mercury and pivotal album track Raven - already a live favorite. Die So Fluid have existed for nearly a decade as outsiders and mavericks because they just do what the fuck they want. Judging by how the world has turned to them in the last year this is no longer a selfish strategy. Profile: Die So Fluid are the modern incarnation of a ‘power trio’. Their sonic identity possesses the muscle of metal, the angular cheekbones of post-punk and the bittersweet heart of grunge. They are part of a new generation of rock bands who chose to turn down signing a traditional record deal and embrace the changes the internet has made to the industry by stripping record companies of their distribution and promotion monopolies. Die So Fluid therefore retain ownership of all their recordings and copyright of all compositions. History: Die So Fluid first surfaced in 2001, touring the country in the wake of their debut e.p. ‘Operation hypocrite’, released on Sanctuary. They released a further single, ‘suck me dry’ with Sanctuary before forming their own label, Cartesian, and releasing their third single ‘Disconnected’. In 2004 Cartesian released the band’s debut album, ’Spawn of Dysfunction’ in the UK. The album was universally well received and is still selling through the major chains of the UK and itunes worldwide. Promotion of ’Spawn of Dysfunction’ almost solely relied on the band touring the UK which they did tirelessly, turning up for over 300 shows between 2003 and 2006. Apart from pursuing a campaign of playing their own shows off the beaten track Die So Fluid supported bands like Drowning Pool, Vex Red, Clawfinger, Boy Hits Car, Feeder, Girlschool, Antiproduct and The Wildhearts. Further promotion of the album came from a single release of the title track licensed to Retinue records which was supported with a video featuring the babes and the fighters of a metal wrestling event. Recording for ‘Not everybody gets a happy ending’ started in 2005 with the album’s opening track ‘Gang of one’. The finished recording was so good it actually caused a crisis within the band as they mutually agreed the song was the pinnacle of what they had been trying to achieve musically on ’Spawn of Dysfunction’. But in the end it was this realization that freed them to explore a wider range of influences and styles. So songs like ‘Existential Baby’ and ‘Test Confessional’ draw on Al’s ska background and ‘Throw you away’ features an Egyptian string arrangement thanks to one of Drew’s colleagues in, Gypsy troupe, The Death Orchestra. The finished record is the product of multiple sessions scattered over a two year period. This ungainly recording schedule was adopted because the record was being financed by royalties from ‘spawn’ - as they trickled in. For ‘Not everybody gets a happy ending’ Mark Williams was back in the producer’s chair at his new premises in the legendary Battery studios building in north west London The title track was partly fueled by the long drawn out recording process and, at the time, no prospect of a release. That changed in 2007 when the band found a new backer in Finland and finally ‘Not everybody gets a happy ending’ was made flesh. First single ‘Happy Halloween’ was released worldwide on iTunes on November 2nd 2007 and coincided with a Halloween festival appearance in Helsinki and Die So Fluid’s portrait by Paul Harries appearing on Finnish postal stamps. The esteemed rock photographer, and long time associate of the band, also directed the video for second single ‘Existential baby’. 'Not everybody gets a happy ending' was released in the UK in February 2008 to a great response and immediately entered the retail sales charts. The band then diligently followed the cascade of international releases – touring Finland, the USA (twice), Germany and the rest of Europe, appearing in nearly 20 different countries in 2009. As well as headlining festivals in Portugal, Germany and Switzerland Die So Fluid supported Eisbrecher, Mindless Self Indulgence, My Ruin, Ill Nino, Maj Karma, and Prong.
Follow on Bandsintown
Gothic, Alternative Metal, Alternative Rock, Metal, Punk, Rock
Band members
Mr Drew, Grog
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Frequently Asked Questions About Die So Fluid

Concerts & Tour Date Information

Is Die So Fluid on tour?

Yes, Die So Fluid is currently on tour. If you’re interested in attending an upcoming Die So Fluid concert, make sure to grab your tickets in advance. The Die So Fluid tour is scheduled for 5 dates across 5 cities. Get information on all upcoming tour dates and tickets for 2024-2025 with Hypebot.

How many upcoming tour dates is Die So Fluid scheduled to play?

Die So Fluid is scheduled to play 5 shows between 2024-2025. Buy concert tickets to a nearby show through Hypebot.

When does the Die So Fluid tour start?

Die So Fluid’s tour starts Nov 06, 2024 and ends on Nov 14, 2024. They will play 5 cities; their most recent concert was held in Salt Lake City at The Urban Lounge and their next upcoming concert will be in Salt Lake City at The Urban Lounge.

What venues is Die So Fluid performing at?

As part of the Die So Fluid tour, Die So Fluid is scheduled to play across the following venues and cities:

2024 Tour Dates:

Nov 06 - Salt Lake City, UT @ The Urban Lounge
Nov 08 - Seattle, WA @ Funhouse
Nov 12 - Sacramento, CA @ The Starlet Room
Nov 13 - San Francisco, CA @ The Chapel
Nov 14 - Los Angeles, CA @ The Echo