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Essence Tour Dates and Upcoming Concerts

Welcome to the official artist page for Essence – your premier destination for the latest concert tickets, tour announcements, and exclusive shows near you. Dive into the music, explore the artist’s reviews and photos, and never miss another concert moment. Stay updated, stay connected, and be the first to grab tickets for an unforgettable musical experience.
On tour Yes
Followers 6,609
Category Thrash Metal, Ambient, Metal, Rock, Other
The Bell House
About Essence
There are various musical projects, which carry the name Essence or The Essence. 1) Celestial Aeon Project was known as project Essence for some time. 2) Austrian hardcore band which have recently released an EP. 3) Metal/Noise/Hardcore band named Essence from Split, Croatia. ...was formed by Jan Ivelic-Pele (drums), Karmelo Marin-Chmite (guitar) and Damir Brkljacic-Beat Masta B (bass) in the 1996 as a death metal/hardcore band mainly under the influence of bands such as Napalm Death,cannibal Corpse,Death...... In the 1997 essence stopped playing because of some personal issues [Chmite turned towards Khrisna and went to the temple and Masta started pirate pussy hunting career]. 1998 was when the band was formed as we know it now (metal/hardcore/noise) Chmite gathered people that would love this metal/noise mixture of styles till present days, Pele returned as a spine of the band and Ivo Vatavuk-Frusta started as a vocalist. Few months after that we recorded and released our first demo material in 1998 called "Dirt in frame" on our own and Ognjen Pavlovic-Lupez(now a member of TBF) came into the band as a bass guitarist. We activly played for about a year and decided that we should introduce Marin Dumanic-Manir to the band as second guitar. In that period we had few gigs and the time came to record some new material. In the end of 2000 we started the recording of 9 new songs, again on our own, and in the winter of 2001 our second demo was released under the name "Rea". In the begining of 2001 we had a lineup change and Manir was replaced by unfuckable rock machine Ranko Smoljan as an excelent new guitarist. In the winter of 2002 we went on tour and after few days on road we realised that we have some mental differences with our bass guitarist Lupez. So after returning home he left the band and shortly after that was replaced by Vinko Madirazza Ravlic-Rufio Oppossum Fuckwind III. 2003/2004 we started to record [on our own one more time] our third demo material "Larva", and we had a few gigs presenting this material to the local audience! We feel that in this lineup we are complete and we are ready once again to make some music and play it loud and live... Discography: Dirt In Frame(1998) Rea(2001) Larva(2004) 4) Essence is a Belgium Hardcore band. ESSENCE was founded in 2005 and went by the name “Essence of Life”. After a lot of discussions and line- up changes due to several reasons, our current singer Fre reinforced the band and we decided to change our name to “ESSENCE”. After rehearsing our old songs and trying to improve them, we felt it was time for a whole new beginning and started working on brand-new material. After we did a couple of shows with well- known international bands from the likes of Maroon, xDeadlockx, Deadsoil, Hatespere and many others as well as sharing the stage with local talented bands such as Chimaera , Morda and The Setup another line-up change occurred and our current guitarist, Maarten, came in to play. After finding our typical sound and working very hard, we got a lot of positive reactions and comments that inspired us to work even harder as a band and to enjoy ourselves as a group of friends and individuals. After a lot of thought and constant plan changes, we decided to record our first demo-mcd in the well- renowned Rape of Harmonies studio in Germany. In the summer of 2007 ESSENCE decided to part ways with singer Fre. Michiel a good friend of the band came in place. With our current line up ESSENCE is more driven than ever. We're aiming to get our music to an higher level and to destroy some venues in the future. Members Michiel Bollen- Vocals Danny Majzik - 6 String Maarten Houben - 6 String Cedric Desiron - 4 String Steve Vliegen - Drums
Follow on Bandsintown
Thrash Metal, Ambient, Metal, Rock, Other
Band members
Mark Drastrup, Lasse Skov, Nikolaj Kjærgaard, Rasmus Kalke
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Frequently Asked Questions About Essence

Concerts & Tour Date Information

Is Essence on tour?

Yes, Essence is currently on tour. If you’re interested in attending an upcoming Essence concert, make sure to grab your tickets in advance. The Essence tour is scheduled for 1 dates across 1 cities. Get information on all upcoming tour dates and tickets for 2024-2025 with Hypebot.

How many upcoming tour dates is Essence scheduled to play?

Essence is scheduled to play 1 shows between 2024-2025. Buy concert tickets to a nearby show through Hypebot.

When does the Essence tour start?

Essence’s tour starts Jun 29, 2024 and ends on Jun 29, 2024. They will play 1 cities; their most recent concert was held in Brooklyn at The Bell House and their next upcoming concert will be in at .

What venues is Essence performing at?

As part of the Essence tour, Essence is scheduled to play across the following venues and cities:

2024 Tour Dates:

Jun 29 - Brooklyn, NY @ The Bell House