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Maurice Ravel

Maurice Ravel

Joseph-Maurice Ravel (7th March 1875–28th December 1937) was a French composer and pianist. His piano music, chamber music, and orchestral works have become staples in the repertoire. Ravel's piano compositions, such as Miroirs and Gaspard de la nuit are virtuosic, and his orchestrations, such as in Daphnis et Chloë and his orchestral arrangement of Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky's Pictures at an Exhibition, are notable for the effective use of tonal color and variety of sound and instrumentation. To the general public he is probably best known for his orchestral work, Boléro, which he considered a trivial work and once described as "a piece for orchestra without music".
On tour Yes
Followers 27,721
Category Classical
A Few Reflect the Heart | Terrasconcerten 2024
About Maurice Ravel
Joseph-Maurice Ravel (7th March 1875–28th December 1937) was a French composer and pianist. His piano music, chamber music, and orchestral works have become staples in the repertoire. Ravel's piano compositions, such as Miroirs and Gaspard de la nuit are virtuosic, and his orchestrations, such as in Daphnis et Chloë and his orchestral arrangement of Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky's Pictures at an Exhibition, are notable for the effective use of tonal color and variety of sound and instrumentation. To the general public he is probably best known for his orchestral work, Boléro, which he considered a trivial work and once described as "a piece for orchestra without music".
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Maurice Ravel Tour Cities
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Frequently Asked Questions About Maurice Ravel

Concerts & Tour Date Information

Is Maurice Ravel on tour?

Yes, Maurice Ravel is currently on tour. If you’re interested in attending an upcoming Maurice Ravel concert, make sure to grab your tickets in advance. The Maurice Ravel tour is scheduled for 1 dates across 1 cities. Get information on all upcoming tour dates and tickets for 2024-2025 with Hypebot.

How many upcoming tour dates is Maurice Ravel scheduled to play?

Maurice Ravel is scheduled to play 1 shows between 2024-2025. Buy concert tickets to a nearby show through Hypebot.

When does the Maurice Ravel tour start?

Maurice Ravel’s tour starts Aug 24, 2024 and ends on Aug 24, 2024. They will play 1 cities; their most recent concert was held in Amsterdam at Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ and their next upcoming concert will be in at .

What venues is Maurice Ravel performing at?

As part of the Maurice Ravel tour, Maurice Ravel is scheduled to play across the following venues and cities:

2024 Tour Dates:

Aug 24 - Amsterdam, NH @ Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ