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Neil Cowley Trio

Neil Cowley Trio Tour Dates and Upcoming Concerts

Welcome to the official artist page for Neil Cowley Trio – your premier destination for the latest concert tickets, tour announcements, and exclusive shows near you. Dive into the music, explore the artist’s reviews and photos, and never miss another concert moment. Stay updated, stay connected, and be the first to grab tickets for an unforgettable musical experience.
On tour Yes
Followers 6,849
Category Jazz & Electro Pop, Rock & Jazz, Jazz
About Neil Cowley Trio
The Neil Cowley Trio is not your typical jazz trio. A dazzling composer, pianist Cowley creates deeply engaging, and dynamic music that journeys between poetic and poignant, pomp and splendour to powerful rip-roaring riffs. It is instrumental music that references Debussy and Steve Reich as much as Spiritualized and Arcade Fire, and is powerful enough to break down standard perceptions of genre. It’s sheer emotion and energy touch lovers of all music. "...the greatest stadium-­‐filling anthems that Coldplay never wrote." (****Uncut)
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Jazz & Electro Pop, Rock & Jazz, Jazz
Band members
Neil Cowley (Piano) Rex Horan (Bass) Evan Jenkins (Drums)
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Neil Cowley Trio Tour Cities
London, United Kingdom

Frequently Asked Questions About Neil Cowley Trio

Concerts & Tour Date Information

Is Neil Cowley Trio on tour?

Yes, Neil Cowley Trio is currently on tour. If you’re interested in attending an upcoming Neil Cowley Trio concert, make sure to grab your tickets in advance. The Neil Cowley Trio tour is scheduled for 1 dates across 1 cities. Get information on all upcoming tour dates and tickets for 2024-2025 with Hypebot.

How many upcoming tour dates is Neil Cowley Trio scheduled to play?

Neil Cowley Trio is scheduled to play 1 shows between 2024-2025. Buy concert tickets to a nearby show through Hypebot.

When does the Neil Cowley Trio tour start?

Neil Cowley Trio’s tour starts Nov 19, 2024 and ends on Nov 19, 2024. They will play 1 cities; their most recent concert was held in London at EartH and their next upcoming concert will be in at .

What venues is Neil Cowley Trio performing at?

As part of the Neil Cowley Trio tour, Neil Cowley Trio is scheduled to play across the following venues and cities:

2024 Tour Dates:

Nov 19 - London, Dalston @ EartH