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Rituals of Mine

Rituals of Mine Tour Dates and Upcoming Concerts

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Followers 13,093
Category Indie Pop, Electronic, R&b
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About Rituals of Mine
Hailing from Sacramento, Rituals of Mine is the immersive, hybrid R&B-electronic project of Terra Lopez. Formerly known as Sister Crayon, the project led by Lopez and musician Dani Fernandez changed their name to Rituals of Mine after the then-duo signed to Warner Bros. Records in 2016. After parting ways with Fernandez in the fall of 2017, Lopez reclaimed Rituals of Mine as a solo project. Now, Lopez as Rituals of Mine is set to release her first album as a solo act, Hype Nostalgia. In 2015, Lopez’s life was turned upside-down by grief and loss: Her father took his own life and six months later her best friend passed away in an accident. Still, Lopez kept working even as her emotions went into overdrive. She went from being a high-functioning depressed person to dealing with the most crippling mental health experience of her life. But by 2018, she began the healing process and found therapy and medication that worked for her. After leaving Warner Bros. Lopez signed to Carpark Records in April of 2019. Six months later, she shared a taste of what listeners will hear on HYPE NOSTALGIA with the release of the EP, SLEEPER HOLD. Filled with emotional intensity and self-reflective songwriting, the three-song project confronted the emotional rollercoaster that she’s been riding for the past five years, head-on. With HYPE NOSTALGIA, Lopez didn’t want to solely focus on the heaviness of her life. Instead, she opted to create an album written from a pre-loss perspective. Dark moments and devastation glimmer throughout Rituals of Mine’s latest record, but they don’t dominate it. What does transpire is Lopez’s ability to reconcile with her emotional trauma by reimagining her past in a way that isn’t shrouded in total darkness, but glimmers of light and hope. Between St. Augustine, Florida and Los Angeles, Lopez collaborated with producers Wes Jones and Dev the Goon on what would become HYPE NOSTALGIA. The result is a self-assured 13-track LP interspersed with future R&B, electronic and pop and layered with the softness of Lopez’s ethereal vocals. From tackling what it’s like to be a woman of color in the music industry to exploring intergenerational trauma, HYPE NOSTALGIA is an all-encompassing look at Lopez’s personal growth and resilience. With the addition of Lopez’s drummer Adam Pierce, Rituals of Mine’s live performances have become bolder and more bombastic. And since the release of their major label debut Devoted, Rituals of Mine has continued to flourish within the indie community, sharing the stage with artists like DEFTONES, Built to Spill, Garbage and Tricky. With HYPE NOSTALGIA, Lopez offers a glimpse into her own experience in the hopes that it will open the door for listeners to confront their own mental health challenges and serve as a touchstone as they find their own way to process and heal. After two close deaths and a period of reflection in 2016, Lopez felt she needed to reassess her life and her musical project, Sister Crayon. The project was reinvented through Rituals of Mine, and with the new moniker Lopez began writing the most honest and personal songs she had ever written. After years of obscuring her story and emotions through metaphorical lyrics, Lopez felt a sudden confidence to write more directly about her experiences as a queer woman of color. Lopez began fleshing out the songs with her long time collaborator and producer Wes Jones, who helped turn Lopez’s heartfelt writing about trauma and personal growth into urgent and powerful electronic tracks. Lopez then enlisted Adam Pierce to play drums, knowing that their background in metal percussion would provide an intensity that could match her own. Since releasing their debut, Devoted, in 2016, Rituals of Mine has been praised within the indie music community, and Lopez’s interactive art exhibit that simulates female-identifying people's experiences with street harassment, THIS IS WHAT IT FEELS LIKE, has reached over 200,000 participants. Rituals of Mine has shared its music and message around the world, touring with acts like Garbage, Tricky, Built to Spill, DEFTONES, and Le Butcherettes. The band is excited to release their new EP, SLEEPER HOLD, this fall through Carpark Records. With these new songs and their upcoming live shows, Lopez hopes to continue to inspire audiences in her local community and around the country to overcome their own struggles and indulge their cathartic outpour.
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Indie Pop, Electronic, R&b

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Is Rituals of Mine on tour?

No, Rituals of Mine is not currently on tour and doesn’t have any tour dates scheduled for 2024-2025. Browse related artists and follow Rituals of Mine for the latest updates on upcoming concert tours.