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Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra

Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra Tour Dates and Upcoming Concerts

Welcome to the official artist page for Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra – your premier destination for the latest concert tickets, tour announcements, and exclusive shows near you. Dive into the music, explore the artist’s reviews and photos, and never miss another concert moment. Stay updated, stay connected, and be the first to grab tickets for an unforgettable musical experience.
On tour Yes
Followers 2,021
Category Classical, Orchestral
Lucerne Festival 2024
Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra / Julian Rachlin / Klaus Mäkelä
Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra / Klaus Mäkelä
About Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra
Based in Amsterdam, the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra is regarded as one of the very best orchestras in the world. Such composers as Richard Strauss, Gustav Mahler and Igor Stravinsky all conducted the orchestra on more than one occasion and to this day, it continues to foster long-term relationships with contemporary composers. There have been seven chief conductors to date: Willem Kes, Willem Mengelberg, Eduard van Beinum, Bernard Haitink, Riccardo Chailly, Mariss Jansons and Daniele Gatti. In June 2022 it was announced that Klaus Mäkelä is joining the orchestra as artistic partner with effect from the 2022-23 season, and will be chief conductor from 2027. In addition to some eighty concerts performed in Amsterdam, the Concertgebouw Orchestra gives forty concerts at other major concert halls throughout the world. The orchestra expands its reach through videos, streaming, and radio and television broadcasts. It also releases CD and DVD recordings on its Concertgebouworkest Live label. The orchestra’s extensive educational activities include the successful Academy of the Concertgebouw Orchestra and the unique summer project for talented young people from all over Europe, Concertgebouworkest Young. The Concertgebouw Orchestra is co-funded by the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, the Municipality of Amsterdam, sponsors, funds and numerous donors all over the world. The largest portion of its income is generated by proceeds from the concerts it gives in and outside the Netherlands.
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Classical, Orchestral
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Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra Tour Cities
Hamburg, Germany Luzern, Switzerland

Frequently Asked Questions About Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra

Concerts & Tour Date Information

Is Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra on tour?

Yes, Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra is currently on tour. If you’re interested in attending an upcoming Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra concert, make sure to grab your tickets in advance. The Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra tour is scheduled for 3 dates across 2 cities. Get information on all upcoming tour dates and tickets for 2024-2025 with Hypebot.

How many upcoming tour dates is Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra scheduled to play?

Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra is scheduled to play 3 shows between 2024-2025. Buy concert tickets to a nearby show through Hypebot.

When does the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra tour start?

Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra’s tour starts Aug 30, 2024 and ends on Apr 02, 2025. They will play 2 cities; their most recent concert was held in Luzern at KKL Luzern and their next upcoming concert will be in Hamburg at Elbphilharmonie Hamburg.

What venues is Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra performing at?

As part of the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra tour, Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra is scheduled to play across the following venues and cities:

2024 Tour Dates:

Aug 30 - Luzern, Switzerland @ KKL Luzern

2025 Tour Dates:

Apr 01 - Hamburg, HH @ Elbphilharmonie Hamburg
Apr 02 - Hamburg, HH @ Elbphilharmonie Hamburg