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Tim Flannery and the Lunatic Fringe

Tim Flannery and the Lunatic Fringe Tour Dates and Upcoming Concerts

Welcome to the official artist page for Tim Flannery and the Lunatic Fringe – your premier destination for the latest concert tickets, tour announcements, and exclusive shows near you. Dive into the music, explore the artist’s reviews and photos, and never miss another concert moment. Stay updated, stay connected, and be the first to grab tickets for an unforgettable musical experience.
On tour Yes
Followers 6,867
Category International, Blue Grass, Country, Americosmic, Celtic, Punk Folk
KC Turner Presents: Cookout Concert Series
About Tim Flannery and the Lunatic Fringe
He is one of the enduring hard men of professional sports, logging 34 of his 55 years with professional baseball. Of those years, he has spent a jaw-dropping 25 on the hallowed fields of the Major Leagues as both a hard-charging player and a steely-eyed field general. He has been to the World Series four times- once as a player and three times as a coach, finally wrapping his battered, dusty hands around the World Series Trophy in 2010...and yet again in 2012 and 2014. Impressive credentials for any man, but here's the thing- baseball is only a part of his story. He is also a prolific and talented songwriter. That's right- this ferociously hard-working baseball legend is also an award-nominated musician who regularly packs venues across the globe. He is a seasoned fingerstyle legend of Americana music with a gift for crafting potent, resonant songs and delivering energetic, emotional live shows. His name is Tim Flannery and he is writing some of the most gorgeous acoustic music to roll out of California since the halcyon days of the Seventies folk explosion. "Flan," as he's known to family, friends and players, started playing baseball as a kid and its hold on him has never loosened. As a player for his hometown San Diego Padres, each season would begin with Tim's manager cautioning him that his position would likely go to someone younger, faster or more gifted. A warrior to the core, Flan distilled such negativity into furious motivation, out-running, out-gunning and out-hustling every guy on the team to secure his spot on the roster. Unsurprisingly, his relentless work ethic and fearless playing style made him a fan favorite and to this day, he is a much-beloved icon from the surf breaks of Oceanside, California to the furthest tip of Mexico's Baja Peninsula. When his playing career came to a close, Flan took to coaching with the same passion and savvy that propelled him to such auspicious heights as a player. He moved from the minor league system back into the Majors as a third base coach for the Padres, and in 2008 he took over third base coaching duties for the San Francisco Giants, where he patrolled the left side of the field like a wolf, managing the team's offensive attack with equal measures of strategy and pure guts. Flan announced his retirement from baseball shortly after the San Francisco Giants earned their third World Series championship in 5 years. Tim has spent the majority of his life on the road, balancing his career and his creative drive with the love of his wife and three children. His music explores the depths of emotion that only loneliness and solitude can reveal, as well as the profound emotional highs unlocked in a golden surfing session or in the majesty of a star-spangled sky from a back porch in Kentucky. Flan's music enjoys radio support across the planet, from the shores of Ireland to beach towns up and down the California coast. He is routinely supported by an obscenely talented band and he has been joined onstage by the likes of Jackson Browne, Bruce Hornsby, Garth Brooks and Jimmy Buffet. With a voice as smooth as Kentucky bourbon and heart worn on both sleeves, Flan's concerts ebb and flow with brilliant melodies, soaring harmonies and themes of love, travel and connecting with the Great Spirit. And of course, he sings about baseball. Whalebone Records....Dont bone us, we will bone you.
Follow on Bandsintown
International, Blue Grass, Country, Americosmic, Celtic, Punk Folk
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Tim Flannery and the Lunatic Fringe Tour Cities
Novato, CA

Frequently Asked Questions About Tim Flannery and the Lunatic Fringe

Concerts & Tour Date Information

Is Tim Flannery and the Lunatic Fringe on tour?

Yes, Tim Flannery and the Lunatic Fringe is currently on tour. If you’re interested in attending an upcoming Tim Flannery and the Lunatic Fringe concert, make sure to grab your tickets in advance. The Tim Flannery and the Lunatic Fringe tour is scheduled for 1 dates across 1 cities. Get information on all upcoming tour dates and tickets for 2024-2025 with Hypebot.

How many upcoming tour dates is Tim Flannery and the Lunatic Fringe scheduled to play?

Tim Flannery and the Lunatic Fringe is scheduled to play 1 shows between 2024-2025. Buy concert tickets to a nearby show through Hypebot.

When does the Tim Flannery and the Lunatic Fringe tour start?

Tim Flannery and the Lunatic Fringe’s tour starts Sep 01, 2024 and ends on Sep 01, 2024. They will play 1 cities; their most recent concert was held in Novato at Hopmonk Tavern and their next upcoming concert will be in at .

What venues is Tim Flannery and the Lunatic Fringe performing at?

As part of the Tim Flannery and the Lunatic Fringe tour, Tim Flannery and the Lunatic Fringe is scheduled to play across the following venues and cities:

2024 Tour Dates:

Sep 01 - Novato, CA @ Hopmonk Tavern