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Honningbarna Tour Dates and Upcoming Concerts

Welcome to the official artist page for Honningbarna – your premier destination for the latest concert tickets, tour announcements, and exclusive shows near you. Dive into the music, explore the artist’s reviews and photos, and never miss another concert moment. Stay updated, stay connected, and be the first to grab tickets for an unforgettable musical experience.
On tour Yes
Followers 17,360
Category Garagepunk, Pop-punk, Poppunk, Rock, Alternative Rock, Hardcore, Norsk Rock, Punk-rock, Punkrock, Norwegian Rock, Punk
Valo Rock 2024
Bergenfest 2024
Dalane Bluesfestival 2024
Havblikk 2024
Parkenfestivalen 2024
Pstereo 2024
Balestrand Badeklubb Festival 2024
About Honningbarna
«We must make of joy once more a crime against the state» – Barney Hoskyns Det er meningsløst å brenne ned skiten om man ikke har noen å gjøre det sammen med, om man ikke gjør det ut av nestekjærlighet. Mer enn et band, er Honningbarna en klan for alle som føler seg fremmedgjort i vår verden. Og de som bare kjeder seg i halvt ihjel. «Voldelig lyd» er den femte plata til bibelbeltets blideste bråkebøtter, og raser av gårde i samme spor som forgjengeren «Goldenboy». I stedet for å late som det tradisjonelle albumformatet fortsatt har noe for seg, holder «Voldelig lyd» det kort og godt: ni spor på tida det tar en inngrodd progrocker å komme til poenget. Det haster tross alt som faen, som femspannet erklærer midtveis uti albumet. Fordi det er vanskelig å være snørrhovne drittunger for alltid («Når vi blir eldre ska’ vi selge ud/når vi blir eldre ska’ vi feige ud»), er det nå eller aldri at Honningbarna må sette kjepper i hjulet til «The Man», det pengegriske og patriarkalske gjenferdet som fører oss stadig nærmere kollektivt selvmord. Tittelen «Voldelig lyd» spiller dermed på at Honningbarnas populistiske punkrock får spissere albuer i takt med at samtidens kakofoni tiltar. Der utskuddet «\/0|_|)3|_1G |_Y|)» er deres første bidrag til noise-sjangeren, er «Pyongyang Freedom Fighter» – inspirert av en tur til det geopolitiske bøllefrøet Nord-Korea – samtidig en av de hissigste og en av de morsomste låtene sørlendingene har satt til teip. Honningbarnas mål med albumet er å rette den retningsløse aggresjonen – den som gir en lyst til å kaste seg utfor stupet – mot de som virkelig fortjener det. Og da er det ikke snakk om forvirrede hvite guttepjokker med fascistiske tendenser: «Du e’ født feig/Men æ e’ her for dæ», vræler vokalist Edvard Valberg. Nei, landets beste liveband har større fisk å steke. Med andre ord: Honningbarna er din venn. Håper du liker det du hører. -------- «We must make of joy once more a crime against the state» - Barney Hoskyns There’s no point in burning down this shit if you don’t have someone to do it with, if you don’t do it out of love. More than a band, Honningbarna is a clan for everybody who feel alienated in our world. And those who are just bored to death. «Voldelig lyd» (Violent Sound) is the fifth record by the Norwegian Bible Belt’s cheeriest racketeers, racing off in the same way as its predecessor «Goldenboy». Instead of acting like there’s still a future to the traditional album format, «Voldelig lyd» keeps it good and short: nine tracks in the time it takes an ingrained progrocker to get to his point. After all, things are getting really fucking urgent, as the fivefold declare on the album’s centerpiece «Haster som faen». Because it’s difficult to be snotty brats forever («When we grow older, we'll sell out / When we grow older we'll become cowards»), it’s now or never that Honningbarna have to put sticks in the wheels of The Man, the greedy and patriarchal spectre that brings us gradually closer to mass suicide. The album title thus points toward the fact that Honningbarna’s elbows are sharpening parallell to the increasing cacophony of contemporary life. Where «\/0|_|)3|_1G |_Y|)» marks their first entry into the noise genre, «Pyongyang Freedom Fighter» – inspired by a trip to the geopolitical hooligan of North Korea – is simultaneously one of the most furious and one of the funniest songs the southerners have ever put to tape. Honningbarna’s goal with the record is to aim the directionless aggression – the one that makes you want to throw yourself off a cliff – towards those who really deserve it. And that does not mean confused white boys with fascist tendencies: «You’re born a coward, but I’m here for you,» vows singer Edvard Valberg on «Født feig». No, Norway’s greatest live band has bigger fish to fry. In other words: Honningbarna is your friend. Hope you like what you hear. Merch:
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Garagepunk, Pop-punk, Poppunk, Rock, Alternative Rock, Hardcore, Norsk Rock, Punk-rock, Punkrock, Norwegian Rock, Punk
Band members
Christoffer Trædal, Tomas Berglund, Edvard Valberg, Nils Jørgen Nilsen, Johan Hansson Liljeberg
concert photo
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Honningbarna Tour Cities
Batalden, Norway Vadsø, Norway Bodø, Norway Trondheim, Norway Bergen, Norway Balestrand, Norway Egersund, Norway

Frequently Asked Questions About Honningbarna

Concerts & Tour Date Information

Is Honningbarna on tour?

Yes, Honningbarna is currently on tour. If you’re interested in attending an upcoming Honningbarna concert, make sure to grab your tickets in advance. The Honningbarna tour is scheduled for 7 dates across 7 cities. Get information on all upcoming tour dates and tickets for 2024-2025 with Hypebot.

How many upcoming tour dates is Honningbarna scheduled to play?

Honningbarna is scheduled to play 7 shows between 2024-2025. Buy concert tickets to a nearby show through Hypebot.

When does the Honningbarna tour start?

Honningbarna’s tour starts May 10, 2024 and ends on Aug 24, 2024. They will play 7 cities; their most recent concert was held in Vadsø at Kooperativet Kulturscene and their next upcoming concert will be in Vadsø at Kooperativet Kulturscene.

What venues is Honningbarna performing at?

As part of the Honningbarna tour, Honningbarna is scheduled to play across the following venues and cities:

2024 Tour Dates:

May 10 - Vadsø, Troms Og Finnmark @ Kooperativet Kulturscene
Jun 13 - Bergen, Norway @ Bergenhus Festning
Jun 14 - Egersund, Norway @ B&G scenen , Egersund
Jun 28 - Batalden, Vestland @ Batalden Ishus
Aug 16 - Bodø, Nordland @ Rensåsparken
Aug 17 - Trondheim, Trøndelag @ Marinen
Aug 24 - Balestrand, Vestland @ Balestrand Hotel