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Sexmob Tour Dates and Upcoming Concerts

Welcome to the official artist page for Sexmob – your premier destination for the latest concert tickets, tour announcements, and exclusive shows near you. Dive into the music, explore the artist’s reviews and photos, and never miss another concert moment. Stay updated, stay connected, and be the first to grab tickets for an unforgettable musical experience.
On tour Yes
Followers 2,143
Category Jazz
Dazzle Denver
Telluride Jazz Festival 2024
Telluride Jazz Festival 2024
About Sexmob
Now celebrating its 27th year, Sexmob (Steven Bernstein - slide trumpet, Briggan Krauss - saxophones, Tony Scherr - bass, Kenny Wollesen - drums) continues its irreverent M.O. with characteristic subversive impunity. Although Bernstein and company have been deconstructing familiar tunes for its whole history – notably Prince’s “Sign O’ the Times”, the Grateful Dead’s “Ripple,” Nirvana’s “About a Girl,” the Rolling Stones’ “Ruby Tuesday,” Paul McCartney’s “Live and Let Die” – on their self-produced record, Cultural Capital, Sexmob exclusively performs Bernstein’s original compositions where they continue to push the envelope in delightfully disruptive ways both a captivating continuation of their history while also a bold step into novel territory. In 2023 Sexmob released their 10th album, "The Hard Way", an electro-acoustic beat driven exploration produced by Scotty Hard and released on CorbettvsDempsey. The band also started touring with Laurie Anderson on her "X=X" project.
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Band members
Steven Bernstein, Briggan Krauss, Tony Scherr, Kenny Wollesen
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Sexmob Tour Cities
Denver, CO Telluride, CO

Frequently Asked Questions About Sexmob

Concerts & Tour Date Information

Is Sexmob on tour?

Yes, Sexmob is currently on tour. If you’re interested in attending an upcoming Sexmob concert, make sure to grab your tickets in advance. The Sexmob tour is scheduled for 3 dates across 2 cities. Get information on all upcoming tour dates and tickets for 2024-2025 with Hypebot.

How many upcoming tour dates is Sexmob scheduled to play?

Sexmob is scheduled to play 3 shows between 2024-2025. Buy concert tickets to a nearby show through Hypebot.

When does the Sexmob tour start?

Sexmob’s tour starts Aug 07, 2024 and ends on Aug 09, 2024. They will play 2 cities; their most recent concert was held in Denver at Dazzle Denver and their next upcoming concert will be in Telluride at Telluride Jazz Festival.

What venues is Sexmob performing at?

As part of the Sexmob tour, Sexmob is scheduled to play across the following venues and cities:

2024 Tour Dates:

Aug 07 - Denver, CO @ Dazzle Denver
Aug 08 - Telluride, CO @ Telluride Jazz Festival
Aug 09 - Telluride, CO @ Telluride Jazz Festival